This multi-measure scheme is being delivered on behalf of Matrix Housing Partnership, a consortium of seven UK social housing providers. Members are spread widely across the South West, Southern/Central England and the West Midlands and together, made a successful collaborative bid that secured £12 million of funding via Wave 2.1 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF).
The funding is supporting a decarbonisation scheme worth a total of £26 million; a programme designed to improve the energy efficiency of more than 900 homes. It seeks to improve living conditions and to reduce energy costs for around 1,750 people, and to cut associated CO2 emissions by an estimated 1,629,000 kg per year.
Delivering multiple decarbonisation measures simultaneously to hundreds of properties and across such a diversity of sites would naturally present challenges in terms of planning, delivery and reporting. Consequently, the consortium members sought a contractor with a proven record of delivering multiple PAS-compliant schemes at scale.
In late summer 2023, Matrix appointed Sustainable Building Services (SBS) to manage the project. The decision was based on SBS’s track record of delivering similar work for two of the consortium’s members: Trident Housing Association, and Trent & Dove Housing. That previous work was funded under the SHDF Demonstrator.
The Project
The Wave 2.1-funded project entails installing multiple decarbonisation measures, all in accordance with the PAS 2025 standard and following a fabric-first approach. Primary measures include fitting external wall insulation, new cavity wall insulation, loft insulation and replacement windows and doors. Additional decarbonisation works include the installation of new ventilation systems, air source heat pumps, photovoltaic panels and low energy lighting. The aim is for every property to achieve an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of at least Band C by the time the project ends in 2025.
By applying well-proven principles, including multi-stakeholder engagement from the very earliest stages, the sharing of best practice and development of a shared supply chain, SBS has made excellent progress in managing and delivering the scheme. It set up two dedicated regional teams to manage four parallel workstreams, and despite the multiple locations, different measures and varying property archetypes, it completed the work quickly and effectively. Within 6 months of the programme’s start-date, it had begun work on all sites and completed the first phase for four of the seven members.
Achieved at a time when many clients and contractors struggled to mobilise even single schemes, this multi-site project demonstrates that with proper planning and management, large and challenging programmes can be delivered at scale successfully.
In all areas, multiple measures have been installed according to schedule, in full accordance with PAS standards and relevant funding requirements. The resulting measures are expected to deliver total energy savings of 5,973,000 kwh per year.
Besides delivering valuable improvements to housing stock and enhancing living conditions for hundreds of residents, the scheme has also proven the effectiveness of the consortium approach. For members, it yields considerable economies of scale, enabling them to access funding more easily, launch projects more quickly and save both time and money on contract administration.
Gary Lawson, Managing Director at Sustainable Building Services, said: “The work that we are delivering on behalf of Matrix Housing Partnership is a perfect example of retrofit collaboration at scale and why the consortium model will likely be favoured by social housing providers in the future. The feedback we have received so far from the consortium members and their tenants across various housing types has been tremendous.”
Matrix Housing Partnership
The consortium members include: GreenSquareAccord, Black Country Housing Group, Citizen Housing Group, Pioneer Housing and Community Group, Rooftop Housing Association, Trent & Dove Housing, and Trident Housing Association.
Funding Stream
SHDF Wave 2.1
No. of Properties
PAS 2030:2019 / 2035:2019 Roles
Principal Contractor / Retrofit EEM Installer
PAS Energy Efficiency Measures (EEM)
External Wall, Cavity Wall and Loft Insulation, Solar PV, Battery Storage, Air Source Heat Pumps, Replacement Windows & Doors.
Fusion 21
Matrix Housing Partnership (consortium)